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Croak Room

Oil on canvas

76 x 102 x 6cm


The painting depicts a White’s tree frog as a reference to my childhood during which my father used to collect and breed frogs. I have painted a section of the frame with a striking matte black enamel paint following the horizon line within the image, giving a feeling of looking through a window or into a vitrine; there is a physical sense of being brought into the scene through its expansion over the frame.


One of my earliest memories is of sitting down for dinner and noticing a frog had escaped from its vitrine, it sat in the doorway watching us eat. I remember feeling uneasy about the animal for the first time, experiencing disgust and fear of the confidence of the amphibian; I was made uncomfortable by its suddenly unprotected proximity. It wasn’t until later in life when I had digested this memory that I found it was much more formative to my art practice than I had yet recognised.

Croak Room

  • 76 x 102 x 6cm

  • Oil on canvas

    Wooden frame 

    Enamel painted frame section

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